Tuesday, October 25, 2016

The Giant Crab and Other Tales: Part A

·         This crab lived alone in a lake.
·         He always killed one of the animals from the forest that drank water from the lake.
·         He would nip at them and they would drown and become dinner.
·         He grew bigger and bigger each day.
·         The elephants planned against him. They put some elephants on watch and the others drank and bathed.
·         Finally the crab snuck up and the wife of the elephant getting attacked begged for the crab to show mercy.
·         The crab was flirt and flirted with the elephant’s wife.
·         He asked for a kiss and the crab went in for a kiss and the injured elephant jumped on his back.
·         The elephant cracked the crabs shell and crushed him to pieces.
·         The elephant and his wife were declared king and queen of the land.

·         The claws were unable to break and they floated down the river to the king’s son who made them drums and they wounded those drums when they went to war. 

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