Friday, September 2, 2016

Feedback Thoughts

Thoughts on getting feedback:
 I read "5 Tips for Taking Feedback Like a Champ" and "Overcoming the Fear of Feedback" both had lots of information. Here are some important notes that I think could be useful.
- Uncomfortableness is normal and healthy so don't avoid it.
-Having growth areas means you haven't tapped out your potential.
- Find the positivity in the deficiency.
-React in a helpful way.
-We react to negative stimuli faster then positive.
-Creating habits.

Thoughts on giving feedback:
I read "Be a Mirror" and "Presence, Not Praise" They also both had very good points but here are just a few I really enjoyed.
- Be specific.
- Focus on what they are doing.
- Focus on the processes.
- Make sure it can transfer .
- Take yourself out of the feedback.
- Praise them when they do something really difficult.
- Being present.

Image result for feedback

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