Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Reading Notes: Mahabharata Part 2

The Battle Begins:

  • ·      Yudhisthira accepted their defeat and decided to wander towards the forest.
  • ·      He spoke about how their kingdom is lost and how they will live in the forest off the land.
  • ·      He also warned them about wild animals and them seeking their prey.
  • ·      He was advised to call out to the sun god for help.
  • ·      He responded and provided a copper pot full of food.
  • ·      They were able to live off of the land for 12 years.
  • ·      They collected food as well during their loving and they set aside food for the holy men.
  • ·      They kept up with their rituals and devotions as if they hadn’t left.
  • ·      They were promised that their lost kingdom would be restored because of their good faith.
  • ·      They wandered and slept in nice places. They also had abundant fruits and flowers.
  • ·      They did suffer though, from rain, streams, Draupadi would swoon causing everyone to faint and be tired.
  • ·      Bhima would always carry them all back under his arms.

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