Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Reading Notes: Mahabharata Part 1

Kunti and her son:

  • ·      King pandu became a monarch and married two wives.
  • ·      One was named Kunti and the other Madri (who was his favorite).
  • ·      Kunti was born of a nymph so she came from celestial origin.
  • ·      She was adopted to a family in the mountains.
  • ·      She was religious.
  • ·      She came to the palace and made him food at any time and she kindled the sacred fire in the sacrificial chamber at all times.
  • ·      After her devotion the king gave her the power ro comel the love of celestial beings.
  • ·      She called out to Surya (god of the sun) and she eventually gave birth to their son. This was all in secret.
  • ·      The child had the eyes of a lion and the shoulders of a bull.
  • ·      She put the baby in a basket and sent it down the river in shame and sorrow.
  • ·      She blessed him and whoever adopted him.
  • ·      The child stayed alive on this long journey through 5 different countries.
  • ·      Radha and Adhiratha were married but could not bare a son.
  • ·      Radha was at the river bank and she found the basket.
  • ·      She cried out thanking the gods that they heard her prayers.
  • ·      The son then was adopted by them and became a strong and mighty bowman.

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