Monday, November 14, 2016

Reading Notes: More Jataka Tales Part B

 Reading Notes:
·      Beauty and Brownie were young deer that lived with their family and herd in a forest.
·      The dad wanted them to be careful when the corn was ripening in the fields.
·      He asked them to each take their own herd of deer.
·      He explained how the humans use corn to get the deer and then trap them and take them away.
·      The old deer stayed in the forest including their parents.
·      They were instructed where to go and to come back when all the crops are cut.
·      They had to go at night and be careful to not let the hunters see them.
·      Beauty did everything instructed perfectly and made it.
·      Brownie forgot to go at night they also traveled near the hunters.
·      Brownie had many of her herd killed because of these things.
·      Beauty again did great and brought them home no problem.

·      Brownie did the opposite and only brought a couple back home to the forest.
     Bibliography: More Jataka Tales, Ellen C. Babbitt

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