Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Twenty Jataka: Part 2

Twenty Jataka: Part 2
  • ·         Two pigs sat at the end of the road watching people walk by.
  • ·         They saw a little old woman as round as a tree.
  • ·         She saw the two little pigs and offered to be their mother I they go into her basket.
  • ·         She walked with the little pigs until she got to her little home.
  • ·         She took them out and laid with them and laughed with them.
  • ·          She took care of these pigs as her own children for years.
  • ·         There was a feast where all the men in the village got drunk and ate all the meat.
  • ·         They went to the lady and asked if they can buy her pigs.
  • ·         She refused and they argued with her.
  • ·         They made her drink and asked her again and she gave them her less favorite one.

·         The other pig noticed that she called that pig first and got suspicious.
·         The pig walked over and saw the men with ropes and ran away to his brother out of fear.
·         He said to go to their mother and respond to her call.
·         When he gave his brother sweet words the people became sober and they dropped their weapons and ropes.
·         Everyone was moved to tears.
·         The brother was confused of his words and asked him to clarify.
·         They were taken to the palace and treated like royalty.
·         When the king died they went into the forest to finish their life with joy.

·         Everyone lived happily ever after. 

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